Journals of Rīga Stradiņš University
Rīga Stradiņš University is dedicated to support Open Science principles at the same preserving the best standards of scholarly communication.
More detailed information about each journal can be found in their homepages.
Baltic Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research (BJCMR) is a peer-reviewed academic open access journal dedicated to research in clinical medicine and science. The Journal is published once a year.
The journal Socrates was created in 2015. Its main purpose is to circulate the research of Latvian and international researchers, practising lawyers, and academics to a national and international audience. The contents of the journal promote discussion about current issues in the field of jurisprudence.
Socrates editorial team: Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. iur. Andrejs Vilks (Academic Staff, Faculty of Law Vice-Dean, Faculty of Law). Scientific Editor Asst. Prof. Dr. iur. Karina Palkova (Academic Staff, Faculty of Law , Director of Study Programme, Law Leading Researcher). Editorial Board Secretary Kristiāna Poļakova (Research assistant, Faculty of Law). Editors: Ināra Mikažāne, Indra Orleja, Jānis Zeimanis. Proofreader: Inga Lievīte. Layout: Ilze Stikāne.