LASE Journal of Sport Science 2025-02-12T12:41:12+00:00 Una Ērkšķe Open Journal Systems <p>The LASE Journal of Sport Science (<em>Journal</em>) is a peer-reviewed, open-access, fully online and print <em>Journal</em>. The <em>Journal</em>’s scope encompasses all aspects of Sports Science. It is an interdisciplinary branch of science that researches the regularities of a man's physical health, development, condition, and sports achievements. In the <em>Journal</em> you can find original research papers of sport integrated research in pedagogy, psychology, medicine, biology, biomechanics, sociology, and economics, as well as short communications, letters to the Editor, and current news. Although the <em>Journal</em> is published just for two years, we have observed a great interest from both the practitioners, who study it and integrate the innovations of sport achievements, sport education and health care in their practice, and young sports scientists, who publish their original research in the <em>Journal</em>. We are glad to see the increasing competition of submitted works; hence the editorial board could select the best manuscripts for the publication in the <em>Journal</em>.</p> Football Players’ Physiological Responses and Rated Perceived Exertion during Running at Constant versus Varying Speeds 2025-02-10T14:21:33+00:00 Johnny Nilsson Magnus Carlsson Tomas Carlsson <p>The aim of the study was to compare the oxygen uptake (V˙O2), heart rate (HR), rated perceived exertion (RPE), and blood-lactate concentration (BLa) in a conventional anaerobic-threshold test at constant speed intervals with running at the same mean speeds, but with speed variations similar to a football match. Nine male football players completed two test days with two treadmill running tests: a&nbsp;submaximal test followed by a maximal test. The submaximal tests (tests A and B) comprised five stages of five minutes each, with between 8–16 km/h mean speeds. The speed was constant for test A, whereas in test B, the speed during the stages varied every 15 seconds. Mean values of V˙O2, HR, BLa, and RPE for the legs (RPElegs) and ventilation (RPEvent) were determined for each stage. No significant differences between tests A and B were found for V˙O2, HR, and RPElegs. The BLa was significantly higher for test B at mean speeds of 10, 14, and 16 km/h. RPEvent did not differ between tests for any work intensity, except for a higher rating for test A at 8 km/h. The&nbsp;equal HR and V˙O2 responses for the anaerobic-threshold tests with constant and varying speeds suggests that male football players’ aerobic energy expenditure during match could be estimated based on HR recordings. The significant difference in BLa between constant and varying speeds indicates the need to use anaerobic-threshold tests with varying speeds in football.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE Physical Activity and Sport Facility Mapping in Latvian Region Inclusive and Non-Inclusive School-Yards 2025-02-10T14:58:29+00:00 Monta Jakovleva Ieva Rudzinska <p>Problem Statement. School-yard is a place, where to develop physically, mentally and socially, spend recess time, have PE classes, do sports, relax and socialize. However, the&nbsp;landscape and facilities of school-yards usually lack a lot of affordances for the&nbsp;above-mentioned aims. Approach. The goal of the study is to explore the situation in different regions of the&nbsp;Republic of Latvia, considering both inclusive and non-inclusive schoolyards. Methods. The research combines qualitative and quantitative methods. It is based on validated schoolyard facility registration form, worked out on the basis of Gibson’s theory of affordances for landscape design to be physically active and do sports. Schoolyards and facilities were described and identified through orthophoto maps, taking Google maps as source. Mapping results were processed by illustrator tool Molbert. The schoolyard registration form was divided into three parts, which on condition were named large, medium and small facilities. Facility scale reliability was the basis for further descriptive and conclusive statistical analysis about the distribution of facilities in order to find the most widespread and scarcely met ones. The quality of school-yards could be increased by raising the awareness about increasing the variety of school-yard facilities of all sizes, not disregarding pupils with special needs. Subjects. The registration form about the facilities on a voluntary basis in Year 2023 was filled in by 30 Year 1 students of a Latvian HEI, coming from different regions of Lavia. Results. A wide variety of sports activities are available in the capital city of Riga and Zemgale, where school sports fields have been modernized. These fields have both basketball courts and soccer fields, as well as bmx tracks and fields for various sports activities. There are soccer fields in the school-yards of Kurzeme, Vidzeme and Latgale schools, but the areas are small and await improvement. School-yard inclusiveness checking showed that only 20 % of them have affordances for pupils with special needs. Discussion and conclusions. Pupils can practice in the school-yards sports they love most&nbsp;– the ball games, but there is a room for improvement to increase schoolyard variety, especially as to fitness and other facilities. Especially scarce are affordances for pupilos with special needs.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science The Peculiarities of Teaching Professional Terminology in English, German, Russian and Latvian to Sport Science Students in Virtual and In-Person Environments 2025-02-10T20:48:28+00:00 Anastasija Ropa Ludmila Malahova <p>The evolution of technologies resulted in the transfer of teaching from the traditional classroom to the online environment in tertiary education, including language teaching. The&nbsp;present study investigates the advantages and limitations of learning sports terminology by sport science students online and face-to-face. A questionnaire to ascertain students’ experiences was distributed to 36 students from different study years, who studied English, German, Russian or Latvian. It was found that both online and face-to-face studies of sport terminology in foreign languages had their advantages and disadvantages from students’ perspectives. Students cited flexibility, access to online materials and choice of learning environment as the main advantages, which is consistent with the findings of other studies of online foreign language studies. The disadvantages relate to technical problems, the studies feeling less personal, difficulty in understanding new material and limited availability of the teacher. The conclusion is that synchronous online live classes would work best if supplemented by continuous support from the teaching personnel, regular offline meetings or classes and access to online resources used for studies outside the online lessons.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science Interrelations between the Morals of 5–6-Year-Old Children and Balance Exercises in Judo Physical Activities 2025-02-11T11:36:58+00:00 Jekaterina Krauze Agita Ābele Inta Bula-Biteniece <p>Objective of the study: Using psychological tests to study the level of virtues of 5–6-year-old children in Physical Activities Based on Judo Philosophy (PABJP) in preschool interest education. The methods used in the study: literature analysis and psychological tests. To check the understanding of 5–6-year-old children about virtues: respect, friendship, honesty and participation data were obtained with R. Kalinin’s test and A. Košeļeva’s methodology. 90&nbsp;children aged 5–6 years participated in the experiment, which took place from September 2019 to September 2020. Results: The literature study identified 4 virtues that were studied in physical activities based on Judo philosophy in interest education. 5–6-year-old children develop basic movements in three groups: moving, overcoming obstacles, and moving objects. PABJP were organized in sports classes in Interest Education. The results obtained in the Story picture test are as follows: 75 % of children with 2 years of experience; 60 %, children with 1 year of experience: 68 %, the third group have a high level of virtue honesty.. The&nbsp;results obtained with the method of A. Košeļeva in the indicator skill to offer help: in the 1st group&nbsp;– 73 %, 2nd gr.&nbsp;– 63 %, 3rd gr.&nbsp;– 61 %, The results in the indicator of skill to help are high: in group 1: 87 %, in group 2: 79 % and in group 3: 72 %. Conclusions: The level of development of virtues of 6-year-old children can be determined by psychological tests that encourage children to learn mutual help and participation in pair exercises.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science Comparison of the Effectiveness of Passing Performance in Football Matches for U-13 and U-14 Elite League Players of Latvian Academy of Sport Education 2025-02-11T12:02:02+00:00 Imants Bleidelis Signe Luika <p>This study critically examines the evolution of male youth football, emphasizing the influence of changing rules, tactical innovations, and enhanced training methods. It highlights the digitalization of football, aiming to make the game more scientifically comprehensible and manageable for coaches amidst an information overload. The research emphasizes the&nbsp;importance of understanding various performance factors, including physical, psychological, technical, and tactical aspects, for football players. Addressing challenges in youth football, the study criticizes the prevalent practice of 11 against 11 games for players below the&nbsp;U13 category, mentioning limited opportunities for skill development and tactical learning. Employing a&nbsp;comparative descriptive methodology, the research focuses on the U13 and U14 age groups’ efficiency and variability in passing during the Latvian Youth Championship. Utilizing the Game Performance Evaluation Tool (GPET) and video analysis, the study aims to draw comparisons and understand the impact of transitioning to larger fields and more complex game formats on young players’ performance. In conclusion, the study emphasizes the need for a developmentally appropriate approach in youth football, aligning training and gameplay with players’ growth and capabilities, contributing valuable insights for optimizing youth football training.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science Analysis of Methods for Determining the Stage of Sexual Maturity in Youth Sports 2025-02-11T12:18:01+00:00 Elīna Laura Huhka Andris Rudzītis <p>It is known that at puberty the development of adolescents is very uneven, therefore, their physical abilities are also very diverse, which makes coaches think about the fact that in training groups of the same age, athletes can have different levels of both physical and psychological preparedness. In our opinion, it is very important to find a methodology that can be easily used by coaches to determine the level of puberty of athletes, to optimize the&nbsp;training process for youth athletes. The purpose of this literature review is: 1) to find out and compare different methods for determining the stages of sexual maturity, 2) adapt a&nbsp;method that can be applied in the training process for determining sexual maturity that can be easily practically applied to coaches to create appropriate, individualized training content and methodology for adolescent athletes. Material and methods. Analysis of sources of scientific literature. Results. After analysing several methods for determining the stage of maturity, we found out that all the methods found have limitations, therefore, after reviewing the&nbsp;literature, most often anthropometric measurements, or prediction of PHV in the long term may be practical in sport science studies, however, more accurate data on hormonal maturity are provided by blood test. Conclusions. After reviewing the scientific literature, in our opinion, it would be most successful for coaches to combine the method of blood tests with one of the somatic assessments to determine the stage of sexual maturity. In our opinion, it would be practical for coaches to apply non-invasive methods, but to include blood tests in the annual health examination of athletes, would provide a more accurate assessment of the stage of sexual maturity.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science Types of Parental Support Systems in Youth Sports: a Literature Review and Future Perspectives 2025-02-11T12:32:03+00:00 Rodrigo Laviņš Andra Fernāte Inta Bula-Biteniece <p>The participation of youth in sports is pivotal for their holistic development, influencing physical health, mental well-being, and social skills. Parents play an indispensable role in this process by providing the necessary financial resources and emotional backing. Their involvement ensures that young people could engage in sports. The aim of the research is to comparatively analyse different parental support systems in youth sport and to establish aims of future research. Research methods: analysis of scientific articles (electronic scientific databases Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus), search keywords&nbsp;– “sport*” OR “youth-sport*” OR “young athlete*” AND “support*” OR “psychological need*” AND “family *” OR “parent*” OR “father*” OR “mother*”. The period covered by the research is from 1990 to 2022 and abstracts, conference proceedings, dissertations, book chapters, and articles published in non-peer-reviewed journals were excluded from the search. Main results of the research: the role of parents is considered very important in the athletic development of children and youth, providing emotional, financial, and social support. The&nbsp;research demonstrates that inadequate support from the state/community, coaches and society can hamper parents’ ability to effectively support their children and youth in sports.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science Power Dynamics in Sport Governance and the Potential of Scientific/Intellectual Movements (SIMs) for Maintaining the Balance of Power: Literature Review and Future Agenda 2025-02-11T13:09:35+00:00 Rūdolfs Nerets Renārs Līcis <p>Problem. The modern sport governance is characterised by an unbalanced power dynamic, which often leads to controversy in decision making and distribution of resource. This imbalance not only influences the honesty of sport competitions, but also impedes sustainable development of sport organisation and its positive impact on society. Our approach constitutes an analysis of the impact of Scientific/Intellectual Movements (SIMs) on power structures in sport governance. Using a qualitative approach of analysing case studies and of examining the theoretical framework, we research into the ways in which actors in sport industry create the dynamic of power. The aim of this study is to reveal the mechanisms that enable using and contesting power in sport governance and to research the potential of SIMs for facilitating more honest power relations. Study results. Power in sport governance is concentrated among a few main actors, who have a disproportionately large impact. However, the present study examined the&nbsp;ways in which SIMs can facilitate the balance of power relations, encouraging transparent, accountable, honest and inclusive governance. Conclusions. To avoid imbalance in sport governance, it is necessary to embrace conscious and deliberate governance structures and ethical principles of governance. The&nbsp;study highlighted the decisive role of SIMs in contesting the existing power hierarchies and facilitating a more democratic and just paradigm of sport governance.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science The Effect of Beetroot Juice on the Aerobic Performance of Endurance Athletes: a Literature Review 2025-02-11T13:38:12+00:00 Jekaterina Neteča Una Veseta Inga Liepiņa Maija Dzintare <p>The aim of this study is to analyse the impact of beetroot juice on the aerobic capacities of endurance athletes based on the available literature. The use of beetroot juice is recognized as an effective supplement for enhancing athletic performance, as supported by findings from the International Olympic Committee and the Australian Sports Institute. Increased dietary nitrate (NO3−) intake prior to exercise has been shown to positively affect cardiovascular function, muscle strength, and endurance. However, the potential ergogenic effect of beetroot juice in highly trained athletes remains unclear. Within this literature review, 15 studies meeting the selection criteria were analysed, involving a total of 258 participants. Results suggest that the consumption of beetroot juice may improve aerobic capacities across various endurance sports, but the physiological responses and performance improvements may depend on the athlete’s level and training intensity. Further research is needed to better understand the effects of beetroot juice on different sports disciplines and athlete populations.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science The Determination of the Influence of Physical Workload on the Speed of Choice Reaction among Fencers During a Fencing Combat 2025-02-11T13:48:27+00:00 Lukass Edmunds Teteris Sergejs Saulite Renars Licis <p>Fencing sport is fast, athletic, and psychologically very sophisticated. In combat sports, it is necessary to react as fast as possible, because combat tactics includes performing attacking and defensive moves during the entire combat. Reaction time, which is one of the&nbsp;factors determining speed, became one of the main athletic input factors for achievement in fencing. Experience gained in other countries shows that physical load has influence on the manifestations of fencers’ reaction speed. In other countries, the impact of physical load on fencers’ reaction speed was studied using laboratory tests rather than in real environments. The aim of this study is to determine fencers’ choice reaction speed under varying intensity loads in real fencing combat circumstances. Research methods: 8 male national foil fencing teams subjects 17–27-year-old participated in the study; the subjects fenced in 16&nbsp;combats until 5 points and in 16 combats until 15 points, with 32 combats being recorded, and the speed of choice reaction was analysed using a previously developed protocol, using heart rate monitoring to determine heart rate frequency in both subjects during the combat. Analysing the results of the study, it can be concluded that workload intensity influence reaction speed. Both fencers showed decrease in reaction speed in the 3rd and 4th HR zones. The impact of fatigue is significant for reaction stability, therefore a better-trained athlete with a higher level of aerobic and anaerobic training will be able to react more sustainably during fencing combats, facilitating the production of better results.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science A Recreational Company’s Visual Identity and Its Creation 2025-02-11T13:56:49+00:00 Ingrida Smuka Inga Liepina <p>New recreational companies are founded every year. Recreation companies founded in Latvia are small, so great attention must be paid to creating a company’s identity. The viability of a company depends on whether the consumer will notice it and whether there will be interest in the recreational service offered by the company. Advertising is very important in today’s world, which is shaped by technology and social networks. Advertising should be short and targeted in order to attract and keep the&nbsp;attention of the target audience. Therefore, the following research goal was set&nbsp;– to study the creation of a leisure company’s visual identity (logo) and the impact of the logo on the consumer. During the research, company logos were examined, as well as document content analysis. An analysis of good practices in successful recreation companies was also conducted. During the study, recommendations from several companies and other researchers for creating a successful logo were analyzed. The study identified the elements of visual identity and also explored the significance of the company’s logotype and shape.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science Mentoring in a Dual Career in Sports: Systematic Review 2025-02-11T14:04:23+00:00 Sofija Spīdola Martinsone <p>Aim. The purpose of this systematic review was to explore and analyze the scientific literature on mentoring in the context of dual careers in sports. This analysis included a detailed examination of the methodologies and approaches employed in mentoring processes, as well as an&nbsp;evaluation of the research outcomes. Special attention was given to how mentor competencies and skills are applied to support athletes in their efforts to successfully manage and integrate their sporting and academic endeavors. The review aimed to identify effective strategies and highlight the critical role of mentoring in facilitating the dual career pathways of athletes, especially within European contexts. This work contributes to understanding the necessary frameworks and support systems required for optimizing dual career outcomes in sports. Research results. All articles emphasize the importance of dual careers in athletes’ lives, reflecting various support mechanisms and approaches. Differences primarily manifest in focus groups (athletes, parents, mentors) and in specific areas of dual careers that are emphasized (psychological support, educational programs, international projects). A&nbsp;common feature is the understanding of the challenges of dual careers and the need for multidimensional support that covers both academic and sport’s needs. The articles cover a wide spectrum of dual career aspects, ranging from psychological support to specific educational programs for athletes and their parents. Emphasis is placed on mentoring as an essential element of support for athletes’ dual careers, highlighting the need for a structured and targeted approach. Support is highlighted as critically important in promoting dual careers, pointing to the necessity for information and resources. International collaboration and funding, especially through the ERASMUS+ program, are emphasized as ways to support dual career initiatives, identifying possible improvements and deficiencies. Conclusions. These articles contribute significantly to the research on dual careers in sports, offering insights into various strategies and practices that can promote successful dual careers for athletes. They indicate that effective support requires an integrated approach that includes both education and sports sectors, as well as the involvement of parents and mentors. Continuous dialogue and the exchange of best practices at the international level are also vital to provide athletes with the necessary resources and support for a dual career in sports.</p> 2025-02-12T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 LASE Journal of Sport Science