The Relationship Between Personality Factors and Cooperation Level of Adult Patients During Invisalign Treatment: a Pilot Study


  • Dāniels Beļajevs Student


Big Five Inventory, patient cooperation, Invisalign treatment, treatment outcomes.


Objectives. Patient cooperation level is crucial factor in orthodontic treatment success. There is no clear evidence, how personality traits affect patients' cooperation during orthodontic treatment with clear aligners. The aim of this study is to assess the relationship between the personality traits of an adult patient and cooperation level for treatment with aligners.

Materials and methods. This prospective cohort study evaluated 22 patients, who were in orthodontic treatment with Invisalign clear aligners. Assessments were performed at 6 months and 12 months of the treatment. Assessment involved administration of a general data questionnaire, personality test, intraoral scanning and cooperation questionnaire. Patients personality traits were assessed through the validated Big Five Personality Inventory (BFI) analogue test in the Latvian language[1]. Patient cooperation was assessed by evaluating clinical fitting of aligners to dental arches and comparison of the planned and achieved movements for the upper 1st premolar expansion (%). Premolar expansion ≤60% and/or aligners did not fit in more than one sextant, considered as insufficient motivation level. Questionnaire and scan results were compared with BFI test results by non-parametric statistical analysis. Data were analyzed in the SPSS. P-value less than 0.05 considered reliable.

Results. 12 patients were cooperative and 10 patients compliance level was considered insufficient. Noncompliant patients had higher scores for neuroticism (p = 0.04). Neuroticism was associated with increased number of missed appointments, non-correspondence of the actual aligner number and planned aligner number, inability to control the financial level. The neuroticism level negatively correlated with the achieved movements of the upper premolars (r = - 0.49, p < 0.05). Higher scores in extraversion were associated with complaining about treatment and worse hygiene scores. Higher scores in conscientiousness were associated with ability to control financial level and parents participation in treatment process. Openness was positively correlated with desire to inform family about the start of the treatment. Neither of personality traits were correlated with other extrinsic motivation factors.

Conclusions. Assessment of the personality traits by the Big Five Personality Inventory could be used for prediction of the patient’s cooperation during treatment with clear aligners.


1 Viktorija Perepjolkina; Promocijas darbs "Daudzdimensionālas personības aptaujas izstrāde un validizācija Latvijas pieaugušo izlasē"; promocijas darba vadītājs: Viesturs Reņģe; aizstāvēšanas datums un vieta: 01.04.2014., LU PPMF;





Internal Medicine